The Dangers of Facebook in Child Custody Battles

Facebook has completely changed the way we share information, in both positive and negative ways.  It has allowed people to stay connected with old friends, but it has also allowed others to obtain information about us that we didn’t intend.  One area in which we are seeing the potential negative side effects of social media involves child custody.

How Facebook is used in Child Custody Battles

Believe it or not, Facebook has become a big source of information for litigators in child custody battles – even more than emails and text messages.  In a story reported by WTSP, one Tampa Bay, FL attorney reported that 90% of recent family law cases involved some social media activity.  The reason for this is that what you post online, or what others post about you, is documented evidence of your offline behavior, and can be used in court.  Often times this involves questionable photos, comments or other behavior that questions whether or not someone is a suitable parent.

Use Social Media with Caution

Everyone has done something embarrassing in his or her life, and the addition of Facebook has made many of these moments even more memorable.   But Facebook can be used to highlight the positive moments in your life as well.  Here a few tips on how to use Facebook responsibly:

  • Always remember that Facebook is public information.
  • Only post what you wouldn’t mind everyone in the world to see.
  • Never post something in the heat of an argument.
  • Don’t post anything that could offend others, or could be misunderstood.
  • Share only positive information.

At the law firm of Wolf, Rohr, Gemberling and Allen, P.A. we are here to represent your best interests.  For more information on how your needs will be represented, contact our MN Family Law Firm today.

Virtual Visitation A Real Option

Talks about virtual visitation aren’t new, but virtual visitation as a viable option in child custody cases is becoming more realistic and more common every day.

First, you may be wondering just what virtual visitation is.
Many people think of it as the next best thing to seeing your children in person. When parents can’t have face-to-face visits, they can have visits electronically – via email, instant message, video chats, texting, and more.

Most commonly, it allows parents who live in different locations than their children to be more consistent presences in their lives. However, it has been an option for parents who are incarcerated, parents who can’t see their children because of domestic violence disputes, or simply to supplement in-person visits for parents living in or near the same locations as their children.

So, why is it a more viable option today? For several reasons, ranging from affordable technology to state legislation.

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